through storm and rain
Chasing a train
through storm and rain
continuing my train watching experience in the Midwest I follow the CSX line from NWI East towards Ohio. Today was pretty wet and chilly. But that does not stop the avid rail fan from following the trains. At another favorite hotspot of mine near Kimmel, IN I encountered a long merchant freight train. It featured an (at least for me) unusual consist of only one locomotive at the spot and another one in the middle of the train. Kind of two trains coupled together order to form a longer single unit. I think I remember reading of CSX toying mourned with very long consists etc.
My destination that day was Fostoria, OH. Shortly before reaching the famous railroad town I manage to get a good shot right out of the driver seat. I also saw the train near Deshler, OH. Although it was not the best day for watching trains I had fun chasing the CSX freight train all the way from Kimmel to Fostoria.