Can’t see the trains for the trees
Picture of the day
Can’t see the trains for the trees
Heading north from Dunsmuir into Oregon I followed the Union Pacific Cascades Subdivision from Klamath Falls to Oakridge. This is an impressive area with beautiful stretches of High Desert, mountains and lots of evergreen forest. Especially the ramp from Oakridge, OR to Crescent Lake is another example for fine mountain grade engineering- again featuring quite some tunnels, bridges and snow sheds. Unfortunately it takes tremendous efforts and time to get at least a glimpse of the tracks. Even as Highway 58 sometimes is only about 150 feet away from the line, thick bush and forest makes it pretty much impossible to watch the trains. So I began to realize why there are not a lot of photos of this line around. Well, so far so good- I needed some rest anyways and decided that it is time for a day of R&R (rest and recuperation in military slang). I settled in on Sisters OR. This is a small village northwest of Bend, OR. Still touristy but not as crowded as the bigger neighbour, I found everything I needed to relax. A great Best Western Lodge Hotel, a fine coffee shop/bakery as well as a micro brewery. And of course, even this is a day of relaxation, I took a nice hike to the springs of Jack Creek in the lush forest that surrounds town. This is bear and cougar country, so NWI sub-urban boy watch out!